Over the past two years, Macy has been in and out of hospitals, and doing many rounds of chemotherapy. Both her parents, Brad and Holly, work, but unfortunately their insurance cannot cover all costs of the medical bills. No parent should ever have to go through so much financial stress just to keep their child alive.
Earlier this month, Macy's aunt, Michelle, put together a donation site. Today is the day friends and family have come together to spread the word. We're asking anyone, even if it is just a few dollars, to please donate to help out with Macy's medical bills. (Link to site is that the bottom of the page.)
Macy is now 8-years-old and is in school. She is still undergoing rounds of chemotherapy. She loves to sing and dance! And is full of attitude and love. This girl has been put through the ringer, but she's such a fighter!
All donations will be to help pay for medical cost.
If you cannot donate any money, I ask you to post this message on your own blog, tweet about it, facebook - anything and everything you can do to get this message out there to help Holly and Brad out. And most of all, I hope you keep Macy and her family in your prayers.