Friday, July 1, 2011


This popped up in my e-mail earlier.

I don't know why people make fake accounts and pretend to be someone else. 

It's quite creepy. 

And more so if you pretend to be Robert Patinsen and start following me.


  1. It is pretty weird, isn't it. Peeps probably want to feel the adoration celebrities get. They would also get the creepers and haters though, I imagine.
    I however, agree with you and think it's weird to pretend you're someone else. Being a writer, this makes me somewhat of a hypocrite. :)

  2. LOL Hey there is a difference between imaginary people and real people. So us writers are in the "sane" least that's what we'll go with for now.

  3. Haha! The most amusing part is that he's already gotten 9,292 gullible people to follow him :)

  4. I know, right! I'm thinking did the twitter handle not throw anyone off? I'm not even a fan and I caught it, lol

  5. That so cracks me up! I also think its funny when the people hook up generators to their twitter which is when your twitter automatically follows people for you and then when you don't follow back it unfollows you.

  6. Erika - I had no idea people did that on twitter!

  7. i got that one too hhahaha its pretty creepy! but i think its a girl's acct

  8. hhahaaa!!! How funny though that all those people are following him! LOL

    XO Lindsay

  9. i am so torn! half of me thinks that is super creepy and the other half of me wants to hold my stomach and laugh until i cry. crazy!


  10. HA! But I do have to say if this was 4 years ago we just may have been all fangirl like for a hot second. You know it...

  11. Cheryl - speak for yourself! I told you he was awkward looking, lol

  12. FINE!.. I would have had a serious fangirl moment :D


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