Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Favorite Books of 2011

Let me start out this post by saying I have read more this month since I decided to quit "officially" running a book blog then I have since June. I find that a bit ironic.

My goal was to read 100 books this year, and while technically there are a few more days until 2011 ends, I have accomplished reading 34 books. I obviously slacked hardcore as a reader.

Favorite Reads Published in 2011

Favorite Series 

Other Favorites

 Favorite Book Read in 2011 But Doesn't Come Out Until 2012


What was YOUR favorite books this year??


  1. I still have to read quite a number of these.

  2. *looks at list*
    *adds more to tbr pile*

    My faves this year would be Anna And The French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins, Fury by Shirley Marr and My Invented Life by Lauren Bjorkman.

    Actually, I sucked big time as a reader, too, this year. Waaay behind my goal.

  3. Great list! I finally got to read the Summer series, by Jenny Han this year as well and loved them. One of my favorite series. =D

  4. YAY! So glad Demon King is here. Also, my list had Lola and Invincible and Dont Stop as 11, 12 and 13.. so.. yeah. You need to read Graffiti Moon tho, I wish I would have included that 2012 option bc I wanted to include that one SO BAD! Seriously one of my favorite books EVER.


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