Sunday, January 1, 2012

What will 2012 bring?

All right kiddos. We've all got them. Goals we want to achieve for the bright shiny year. A new year is kinda like that big idea you get. You always start out with this big jump into it. Pumped up and ready to kick its butt, but then life - in its good and bad ways - sneaks in, steals your thunder, and jacks you up.

That's okay.

No seriously. Those jacked up parts test how serious you are. They give you lessons. They make you stronger, they make you weaker, they're nothing but bittersweet. Use them to see how far you can push yourself.

For 2012, I've got some things I want to accomplish. Things I've pushed off for another day. 2011 taught me hose precious life really is. Taught me to get back to myself, and now I'm ready to do this!

Writing. Oh yes, it's up there again. It'll always be my number one goal no matter how many years past me by. Being a writer, you can only get better. New ideas. Better plots. Better writing. It all meshes together. This year  I REALLY REALLY WANT TO FINISH A NOVEL! I DON'T EVEN CARE WHICH NOVEL! Okay yes I do. I want to finish Fairy Tale. I want it to be sent out to critique partners and queried before the year ends. I've never had more confidence in a story than I do now. After that sucker is done, you better look out Augustus Brooks and the town of Yellow Falls, Mama is coming to you. You may take four freaking years to finish, but you will be finished.

Getting healthy. I'm not talking about loosing weight. I'm barely 5'2 and considered obsessed. I'm a thicker person. Always have been so getting down to a tiny size isn't my goal really. To start making healthier eating habits and being more active is my goal. If I loose 30 pounds this year, I'll be quite happy. If I don't yet I feel a lot better then I'll be happy.

Finding a new job. I graduate in April (!!) this year. I'm still not for sure what I want to do. As I write this I'm not even a 100% sure where I'll be spending my externship at. I want full-time and I want benefits. 2011 brought me some scary health issues and some high bills that I never want to have to do again. Don't get me wrong. I've worked at the same place for the past 5 years. Wow. It amazes me to even say that. I've had my ups and downs there, but I am thankful for the job because it supplies this roof over my head. It'll be bittersweet leaving especially my co-workers. I've developed great friendships and a second family there.

Reading. Last year I said I would read 100. I read like 35. This year I'm shooting for at least 50 books. I want to go all wild and say 100, but 50 seems to be a good middle area for me. Plus I really, really miss the love of reading!

Must. Road. Trip. When I get my diploma, I am taking off for a week and a half. I don't care where I'm going. I don't even know where I'm going. I have ideas, but I'm not for sure if I'll have the funds. Either way, I am going somewhere.

Secret Sister Project. I already got conformation from a higher power on this one. It's going to happen. It may take time, but we're going to do it.

Etsy Shop. Coming soon in...... (some month) 2012! Hope you're ready to buy some cute party supplies from me :)

Learning to Stay Calm. This is one I always strive to work on. I'm especially going to have to find some sort of balance from February until I graduate. With one day of class, two days of externship, and working 3 days one week and 4 days the next well that leaves me with 2 days off a month. 2 days people! I'm ready for it though because I really don't have much choice in the matter.

Building Confidence. Whether in my image, in my mind, or in my job performance. I have the worst self-esteem, but I've realized when you think positive, that image you see staring back at you stops looking so hideous. There's absolutely no reason to be your worst enemy.

Living life. More concerts, tattoos, loud music, silly nights with friends, tons of faith, love for family, quality time with niece, nephew, and goddaughters, dancing like a fool, going to hockey games, opening up to people, doing something crazy, running a marathon, and loving every minute of it.

Yep. 2012 may be the year that everyone fears, but I am welcoming it with open arms.

Bring. It. On.


  1. I love this and need to figure out one for myself. Good luck! I know you can do it all!!

  2. Amber, your goals are awesome. I love that writing is number one. Good luck with them all.


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