Monday, October 29, 2012

Calling myself out!

My name is Amber and I'm a dirty rotten quitter.

I'm also a brunette now with shorter hair, but that has nothing to do with this post. 

I always thought I just burnt out on things easily. I loose interest and move on to something else. Nothing can hold my interest because I just want to do everything! Really, I'm a quitter. I don't stick with things. I was doing FANTASTIC almost two months ago with Hip Hop Abs. I went down to 179 pounds (started out this year at 195), lost almost 3 inches (!!) off my waist in under two weeks. What do I do? I was watching what I was eating so well for months. And what do I do? 

I let the fat lazy girl in me take control. 

She says Hip Hop Abs? Pfftt there is a Real Housewives marathon on! Going home and cooking dinner? Oh hai, there McDonald's. I would love to waste five bucks on you. Water? Pfftt, large vanilla coke please! Pretty much the fat lazy girl in me wins all the time. This fat girl also wastes money that the poor girl in me does not have. I was blogging monthly there for a while on weight loss. Mainly rambles on what I was attempting to do to loose weight. Since I really want to start blogging and honestly just writing in general, I've decided to hold myself accountable. 

I'm tired of being fat.
I'm tired of being lazy.
I'm tired of feeling so absolutely ridiculously sluggish all the time.
I'm tired of putting myself down when really there is too much awesomeness in life.

Times a wastin' so me and all my fatness will be doing updates on here. Don't want to read about how I plan on taking my size 15 jeans into something slimmer because I've failed many times at it? That's cool. Want to yell at me and tell me to put down the Reeses? That's cool too. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

NaNoWriMo 2012. Bring. It. On.

There is just something so amazing about NaNoWriMo.
You're able to meet other writers.
You can cheer each other on via the boards, blogs, twitter, and facebook.
It gives this idea you can CONQUER THE WORLD.

Sometimes it fizzles out.
Sometimes you have no idea what you're doing.
What you even wrote twenty pages ago.
But that's okay.

NaNoWriMo gives people who never thought about writing a book a chance.
It gives those who have written a book or many books the chance to do it all over again.
It gives back a spirit.
Especially to me. 

I am a girl who has always dreamed of being an author.
I am a girl who has seemed to have lost her motivation.
Lost her characters.
Her ideas.
And seemingly has lost her mind.

That's the beauty of NaNoWriMo.
It gives the umph to get back in the game.
To stare at this blank bulletin board and know.

Know that I want it back.
And I know I'm going to get it back.

50,000 words.
30 days.
A young adult story about a cult.
A handful of characters with barely any names.
And an idea that I have no clue where its going.

I'm ready for ya, NaNo. 

Bring. It. On.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Leave it to my family....

Ladies, forget letting your friends set you up or trying to date online - just put your adorable little nephew in a stroller and GO! 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

gluten-free breakfast ideas

I started trying to keep a semi gluten-free lifestyle since June. When I fall off the wagon, I can tell. Like last night I was at my friend's reception (she was a beautiful bride!!), and there were so many yummy things in miniature size that I dove right in. Today? Bloated, bloated, and a little cramped.

The worst is that's how I've been eating here lately. Letting small amounts of gluten in has never been a big deal. When it comes to breads and pastas - forget it, but other things that have gluten like baked goods, I've nibbled on....fine. More than nibbled. I can tell a big difference in how I feel and how I look. Did you know your digestive system does play a role in acne? Yep. Back when I was having massive stomach issues I would have tons of acne on my chin and on the sides. Turns out that part of your face is due to hydration and  digestive. Since I've been a gluten eater, my chin (along with my stomach) has taken a blow.

I went to the Holy Grail aka Pinterest and wanted to start looking for ideas. Boy, did I find TONS! But who would expect less? You can find anything on that site. Here are some breakfast ideas I plan on trying over the next couple weeks to spice up my lovely oatmeal (oats do not bother me, but they do bother some who have gluten intolerance) and turkey bacon breakfast.

Are you a g-free eater? How do you mix up your breakfast? Feel free to post links or even recipes in the comments. I'd love to hear your ideas!

Monday, October 1, 2012

btw, i'm an aunt!!

His name is Gatlin Joe.
Joe is after my Padre.

He's perfect.

He was born on September 25th.
I couldn't be there because of work - boo!
But I did get the first picture :)
And I snuggled him a few hours later.

He's 9 pounds 7.5 ounces 
Yes, he's a BIG BOY!
But I like that.
Cause he doesn't seem fragile.
And he doesn't have that weird newborn smashed wrinkly face.

He's 22.5 inches long.
And he already lifts his head up.
When he's starving, he will straight up attack your face with his mouth.

I love him to pieces.

I thank God for blessing our family with him.

....and he's kinda given me baby fever.
.........and that really freaks me out.