Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sunday Confessions V1

I must confess.... I kinda feel skanky being a brunette. No offense to anyone who is a brunette!  I love the color on others, but I think it's a post-blonde thing. It just doesn't look like me in photos.  My goal is to keep it light brown until February to help it get healthy again, but I'm not for sure how long I can last.

I must confess.... I have no drive for NaNoWriMo this year. Like at all.  I know if I don't go for it, I will be so disappointed in myself so I will force each and every word until I reach 50K. 

I must confess.... I am so excited for Christmas like you wouldn't believe! I have no idea why , but it is taking all my might not to rearrange my living room so I can put my tree up. 

I must confess.... I was totally singing Call Me Maybe this morning with no shame whatsoever. 

I must confess....   I am skipping church today because I don't feel like changing out of my pajamas. 


  1. I am so excited for christmas too. and sometimes you need to just stay in the pjs!

    Helene in Between

    1. Agreed! Nothing wrong with being a little lazy :)

  2. So many people I know are doing NaNoWriMo...I am not even 100% sure what it is but I am sure I don't have time for it!

    1. Basically you write 50K (short length novel) in 30 days. If you've never had the desire to write a book then it's probably nothing you'd want to do lol

  3. Aww, I think your hair looks cute! But I'm a brunette, so maybe I'm biased. hehe. ;)

    Happy Sunday!

  4. I have no drive for NaNoWriMo either. I might do my own private one in a different month when I have more time/energy.

  5. I agree with Mia--I think your hair color looks nice! (I'm also a brunette, though!)

  6. I think your hair color is really pretty! And I was with you on being too lazy to change out of my pajamas yesterday for church. My hubby made me...;-)

  7. I'm super ready for Christmas! And I really like the brown hair. I may be a little biased, though, since I'm a brunette.

    Thanks for linking up last week!!


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